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26 October 2020 - 27 October 2020
Joint EIT Health Germany & EIT Health Innostars Symposium

Agenda 26 October 2020:

11:30 – 12:00 Welcome | Dr. Katharina Ladewig (EIT Health Germany), Balázs Fürjes, (EIT Health Innostars)

12:00 – 13:00 Keynote: Implementing Value-based Health Care in Europe: Handbook for Pioneers | Prof. Gregory Katz (University of Paris School of Public Health, President of PromTime)

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break

14:00 –  17:00 VBHC Case Studies from Around Europe 

17:00 – 18:00 Innovation Market Place

Agenda 27 October 2020:

09:15-09:30 Welcome & Intro to Workshop Sessions | Dr. Katharina Ladewig (EIT Health Germany), Balázs Fürjes, (EIT Health Innostars)

09:30-12:30 VBHC Workshops (Stroke, Cancer, CVD, Diabetes) | Moderated by EIT Health Germany team

12:30-12:45 EIT Health’s HVC Forum | Dr. Katharina Ladewig (EIT Health Germany)

12:45-13:00 Closing of Event | Dr. Katharina Ladewig (EIT Health Germany), Balázs Fürjes, (EIT Health Innostars)

13:00-14:00 Lunch Break

14:00-16:00 Closed Session | German Partner Meeting (German Partners only)

Closed since 27 October 2020
Organised by
Germany 71
Portugal 17
Spain 13
Austria 11
Switzerland 10
Hungary 7
Poland 6
Netherlands 6
France 5
Belgium 5
Italy 4
Denmark 3
Croatia 3
Lithuania 2
Finland 2
Romania 2
Ireland 2
Egypt 2
Latvia 2
Uruguay 1
Bangladesh 1
Costa Rica 1
Ecuador 1
Estonia 1
Czech Republic 1
Total 179